How to Install Your Landcruiser 79 Series Exhaust

Having a proper aftermarket exhaust system installed provides better vehicle performance since it improves airflow and provides a more seamless operation between the system itself and the engine. Finding a fitting system for your 79 series Landcruiser can sometimes require as little as finding the right construction or pipe diameter but installing one is always the same process no matter the type or size of the exhaust.

Before you start getting your hands all dirty its best that you set up everything in place which you will start off by parking your Landcruiser on a flat surface and raising it. You will do so with a floor jack and safety jack stands positioned on all four sides of the tires in order to make room for yourself and the new 79 series exhaust. Also, make sure to spray the nuts and bolts with penetrating oil (WD-40 or PB blaster) and let it soak for 5 minutes and before you start dismantling the old exhaust make sure you have the following equipment:
• Gloves
• Safety Glasses
• Ratchet
• Floor Jack
• Penetrating Oil
• Bolt and nuts for the new exhaust
• New rubber exhaust hangers
• New gaskets
• Hacksaw
• 4x Heavy-Duty Safety Jack Stands
• 6 pointed sockets - 10mm through 19mm

1. You need to start at the rear of the vehicle first, by removing the muffler using a ratchet and the correct size of a 6 pointed socket. There are two bolts you'll need to unscrew in order to remove the muffler and then slide it out of the rubber hangers and remove it from the car. In case your vehicle has two mufflers just repeat the process.
2. Afterwards, you will remove the catalytic converter by removing the middle part of the exhaust which is called a flange. This external lip on the catalytic converter may be attached with a couple or more bolts. The last thing to do before you start installing your new 79 series exhaust is to remove the rubber hangers and replace them with new ones.
3. If you happen to find these rubber isolators where the tailpipes are connected to the vehicle's chassis you will need to coat this part with penetrating oil and push it with a screwdriver. But in this case, you will need a helping hand in order to wiggle out the tailpipes as this push-and-pull motion helps the lubricant enter more easily which will make the isolators come out.
1. By putting on the new rubber hangers you will slide the new middle piping onto them and then follow that by slipping the new muffler on them as well. In case your current 79 series exhaust has no hangers or if you can't free it up you will need to cut the exhaust pipe after the converter in order to remove it. Cutting the tailpipes needs to be done at exactly 5cm from the muffler with a hacksaw - this can take a while but be patient as once they are cut they are easy to remove.
2. After that install the new gasket between the catalytic converter and the new exhaust together with the new hardware in order to tighten the flange which you will need to do s by hand.
3. Make sure you fine-tune the placement of the new exhaust by tightening the bolts down at every flange and make sure you also have the exhaust hanging freely on the rubber hangers. Tighten the bolts with a 1/4 to 1/2 turn after the point where it feels snug.
4. Check whether or not your new 79 series exhaust is pressed against your vehicle's gas tank, heat shiels or frame. When the exhaust is on the hangers and you have the hardware loose place the pipes so they match by twisting, rotating and shaking them. While this is the last step of the installation process you will still need to check if you have done a good job.
Final Steps
When you are all done, don't take your vehicle down yet, while it is still in the air start it and listen to how the new exhaust sounds and check each flange if there is any ait escaping, in case there is you know what to do. You should feel and not touch the flange when checking as the system will get hotter the more it works. Also, make sure there aren't any leaks.
Once that is done, turn the vehicle off and lower it down using the floor jack and take it for a test drive. It will take some time for the new exhaust to settle in. Due to the high temperatures it works in, the pipes will change shape or loosen up which is why you'll need to go back under your vehicle 2 weeks later and re-tighten all the exhaust hardware and clamps.